Leading Management Systems Audit Teams – TL – Training – 1 Day

This course is intended for professionals with a sound background in management systems who wish to become leaders of second party (supplier) or third party (certification body) audit teams. They must have competencies in auditing skills.

Key Outcomes

  • Establish and plan the activities of an audit team
  • Communicate effectively with the auditee and audit client
  • Organise and direct audit team members
  • Prepare and complete the audit report
  • Use remote auditing methods

Who Should Attend

Auditors and lead auditors who wish to conduct management system audits by leading the audit team.

Global Recognition

This certificate enables successful candidates to apply to Exemplar Global for certification as a provisional auditor when combined with competencies gained from a Management System course such as QM, EM, OH, IT etc and Exemplar Global-AU.
This competency, when combined with other competencies of a Management System course and Exemplar Global-AU is recognized by NABET (refer Mutual recognition agreements).
Those participants who choose not to submit the assessment will be issued with a ‘Certificate of Attendance’.

Prior Knowledge

  • If the participant is completing this Exemplar Global-TL as a separate training, then the participant must demonstrate that he/she has been deemed competent on Exemplar Global-AU competency. Examiner/Trainer is required to verify with the Head Office for AU competency recognition. Only Exemplar Global-AU competency is recognised.
  • If the participant is completing ISC’s Exemplar Global-AU and Exemplar Global-TL competency training on consecutive days, then the participant will be assessed on both AU and TL competencies together and outcome will be assessed together.