Gap Analysis Philosophy
The process of identifying the current state, the desired state, verifying the gap and then developing strategies, plans and actions to close the gap is detailed and requires a well developed and detailed process.
CPG has many skilled, experienced team members and our team members have been delivering GAP Analysis programs for over 30 years.
Our team has a proven track record no only identifying the gap but also delivering cost effective solutions to ensure the desired state is achieved in a seamless manner
Current State
Our team works with the client organisation to clearly identify the current state of the organisation as is… based organisation culture, staff (actual) performances, organisation current capabilities and overall (current) business plan and or strategies.
Desired State
Our team works with the client organisation to identify the potential and or required capabilities to determine and clearly document a desired state to which the organisation is planning to reach and or achieve.
Define the GAP
Once the GAP is identified and documented, our team look at both internal and external factors to verify that the GAP is the actual desired outcome that the organisation is aiming for.
Modification the identified GAP are updated as needed and re verified.
Close the Gap
Identifying, understanding and verifying the GAP is crucial, however developing the strategy, plans and actions to close the GAP is the most important and detailed process.
Our team has over 30 years experience in delivering cost effective GAP deliverables and outcomes.